viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Our assistant James


Our assistant James is from "SCOTLAND":

He's from Edimburgh,Scotland, United Kingdom (UK). Recently Scotland wanted to get independent and he voted "YES" for it. 

The traditional clothes in Scotland is the kilt which is usually worn for weddings and special occasions. 

Scottish people also play Shinty which is similar to hockey.

"Haggis"is some typical and delicious food which tastes like "black pudding". Haggis are made of sheep´s meat, liver, heart, and intestine.

His favourite colours are:blue and green,he has lived in Costa Rica,Brazil and Guayana,Mexico.

His family is composed by his father Tom, who works teaching languages; his mother Mary who works at UK goverment and his sister Sadie,who works as a social worker.  He studied at "Edimburgh University". He has been two years in Spain now. His best memory is when "Atletic" won the league. His favourite players are Benteke and Koke.

This summer he worked in an English camp.


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