Our new assistant is called Lydia. She lives in Fairfield, Pennsylvania in the USA. She was born in a small rural town; so little that it does not appear on maps.She lives in a house used before as a bed-breakfast house.
Maryland is near her town. Maryland has lots of monuments and cannons because there was a Civil War in the 19th century. It has amazing green landscapes.
She has 5 siblings: 2 brothers and 4 sisters. She has also one niece and one nephew. She has a Border Collie Australian Shepard Mix dog called Luna
.She went to the Hood College in Maryland and studied Global Studies. Shespent 4 years at the University living there in the Campus. She really enjoyed it.
.She entered a University group called ´Student Goverment´ where she was vicepresident. She did and organised things for the class
.This school year, she will help us to improve our English. She doesn´t like us to speak Spanish in class.
She enjoys a lot movies. Her favourite movie is ´Pride & Prejudice´ She loves watching sports such as Soccer, American football...
She is not a Trump supporter.
I hope we´ll have a nice year :)
By Álvaro Pinto Orbis from 3ºD 2016/2017