Hello, here is our movie about Chapter 3: Macbeth, king of Scotland.
Although we have had some problems ( we couldn't save the film), finally we have done it. We have been original because we have used Disney characters , instead of real ones. We hope you like it!
This is my Voki for Social Science class. My voki ( A knight ) called Rodrigo. He explains how life was in the Reconquest. I hope you like it.
MY VOKI: In our social class we have made a voki that talks about his or her lifestyle during the Reconquest or during Al-Andalus. My voki talks about a woman´s life during the al-andalus. Her name is Andrea and tells us how difficult and hard it was for her living at that time. I hope you like it .
In social
science's class, we've been doing this project. First of all, this is a
programme called Voki. You can create a character and afterwards, make him
saying whatever you want. This project was about doing a Voki, dressing it up
in medieval clothes and making it
explain something of the Reconquest or of Al-Andalus.
Mine is a
Castilian knight that fought in the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa. When making
this Voki I found two problems. The first one was that Voki has limited sources
so there are no many possibilities to dress the Voki. The second one was about
pronunciation. For example, I had to write Castile with double “e” instead with
“i” in order to pronounce it well.