martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Cloud Gate, Chicago

Brianna Smith

Our new language assistant from the States is called Brianna Smith. Her city of origin is Chicago, at the West of Lake Michigan, in Illinois. Before coming to Madrid, she stayed in Vienna for three and a half years, working in the kinder garden of a school, learning German at the same time. She has studied music for around seventeen years and learnt to play the violin and the piano.

"Munger Road"
Talking about her family, she told us she has a younger sister and an older brother, who is a film director -you can see the trailer of his last movie, "Munger Road", on Youtube-. Brianna has also adopted a dog called Guinness (this name was given before the dog was adopted).


During her stay in Vienna, Brianna decided to play in a masculine soccer team, even knowing she would be injured several times.

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